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It´s time to set my free!


19 de outubro de 2009 | ✿Lidi Dimbarre Tullio ஜீ

Am pierdut un prieten care de fapt niciodata nu mi-a fost prieten .

M-am transformat intr-un sloi de gheata .

Mi-am pierdut zambetul .

Si cel mai rau , nu pot face nimic sa schimb asta .

P.S. "Sa fii fericita!" , mi-ai spus .

Va trebui sa platesc un pret mult prea mare, dar voi fi intr-o buna zi .

Goodbye, my almost lover

Goodbye, my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

Well, I never want to see you unhappy

I thought you'd want the same for me
Edward and Bella Cullen

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